I'm camping in a beautiful place in Ayas, on the south coast of Turkey. My tent is on the beach - I can listen uncousciosly all night to the sounds of the sea. The sun is shining, there are no clouds, it's about 30 degree celsius, a light breeze is on. I'm sitting on a terrace in the shadow between pillows and puffs, on carpets, and I'm thinking of going nowhere from here this time. The Budapest-Istanbul stuff has already been ended, but I have some more plans and some more stuff to write about.
The tent of S&M at the seaside in Ayaş |
E.g. about my german friends, Sarah and Matthias. We've bumped into each other again, now by accident. I was petrol-station-camping near Tarsus (yes, this is a cool stuff in Turkey, you can put up your tent on almost every petrol station (of course after asking), for free, sometimes there are sanitaries, this time it was clean like the sky, nobody used it, nobody goes to BP stations because of it's prices). So they were also pedalling from Cappadocia to the south - they saw my tent and didn't hesitate to stop and join me. In the meanwhile I was looking for my way out of Tarsus after a sightseeing day - without any GPS or map or the line of Ariadne, in the dark. Finally when I found the proper road and my little camp, they were waiting for me - what a nice meeting, again!
In Mersin |
Next day we pedalled through Mersin together, and went more far down on the coast. We've landed in this camp in Ayaş. We were chatting a lot, spent a whole day in the camp - washing, cooking, writing, and talking, talking, talking. I asked them how they feel about their journey, how it is to be on the way after more than 5000 kms. They also have home-sick sometimes, they are also down sometimes and knocked out, but they are rolling, travelling, and I think enjoying their trip - despite the dog attacks - they had much more then me, and considering that the lady-part of their team afraid of the dogs much more than Matthias, it is a great success that they are managing themselves through Turkey. It seems to me they will fulfill their plans: to ride till Istanbul and catch their plane and fly to New-Zeeland. Well, I have to admit it is a five star idea, and of course a five star job how they planned it, how they prepared for it, how they saved money for it at home. Well done!
Going to Hell! |
I have some similar plans - as I missed to ride through on the Middle-East part (because of the Kurdish situation and because of the cold...). But I'm not in a hurry - now I'm attending to the University of Hangout, and I'm preparing to raise my hangout abilities to master level so I can join the Academy. I have good masters in this subject so I don't worry too much. And it is cool just to lay on the seaside, to cook, to read and write, to write and read, to stare at the sea - and to have some time planning my way further.
Colors I like - near-sea-pedalling |
Further will be on the coast, as I had mantioned this a few times before. Than I plan to get back again to Istanbul - and book a plane ticket. At this point I'm getting back to the thing that gave me the most power, and it was the Vipassana practice. So I think I'll visit one of the home of it, India, and I'll go and check out some meditation centers there and join some more courses. So the next step can be to organize this, to get visa for India, to book a ticket to Mumbai, fly there in wintertime and carve a big V-shape on the map on the south of India. This needs getting many infos, preparing and planning, mostly sitting in front of my little netbook - but I think it worths the effort.
Moonrise |
Of course these are just plans, I began to build this up and I'll see how it goes. And well, I have an issue of the National Geographich on the desk here, from 1986, and it has a detailed article with maps on the Mayan culture, in which I'm really interested. So it can happen I'll travel to a different direction.
Early morning, still in Ayaş |
I believe I should write about this subject next time when I'm already heaving my plane tickets booked and my visa in my hand and. Till that time you can make comments where would you go, where should I go...
I've already been to the Moon, thanks... |
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